apruitt@lunarpropertymgmt.com (207) 645-0012
Whitefield, ME 04353
  • Application Criteria

    Application Criteria

    Application Criteria

    Application Criteria and Instructions

    We cannot process your application until all documentation is completed and submitted. No Exceptions

    • All persons over the age of 18 must complete an application.
    • Each applicant will be required to qualify individually.
    • Valid government issued identification with a picture id will be required, along with a valid Social Security number.
    • The denial of one applicant will result in the denial of the entire application.
    • Applications that exceed minimum standards in individual categories, but fail to meet minimum standards in another, will be considered.
    • Any applicant currently using illegal drugs or reporting a conviction for the illegal manufacture or distribution of a controlled substance shall be denied.
    • Any individual, who may constitute a direct threat to the health and safety of an individual, the property or the property of others, will be denied.

    Rental History

    • Provide your current and at least one previous rental reference with phone numbers.
    • Must submit proof of 1 year of rent/mortgage payments (i.e. receipts, cancelled checks)
    • No evictions on record for last 7 years
    • Rental history showing monies owed to previous landlords will be denied.

    Income Requirements

    • Gross monthly household income must equal three times (3) the stated monthly rent and be verifiable.
    • Must submit paystubs for the last 30 days.
    • Self-employed applicants will be required to show proof of income through copies of the previous two (2) year’s tax return.

    Credit Requirements

    • Minimum 640 credit score.
    • No negative reporting for last 12 months.
    • A negative report is considered any items 30 days past due or greater, collections, repossessions, liens, judgments, or garnishments.
    • Discharged bankruptcy in last 3 years will be denied.

    Criminal Conviction

    The following will result in absolute denial.

    • A conviction, guilty plea, no-contest plea, or formally charged ever for: any felony involving serious injury, kidnapping, death, arson, rape, sex crimes and/or child sex crimes, extensive property damage or drug-related offenses (sale, manufacture, delivery or possession with intent to sell) class A/Felony burglary or class A/Felony robbery in the last 10 years.
    • A conviction, guilty plea, no-contest plea, or formally charged for: any misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor involving assault, intimidation, sex related, drug related (sale, manufacture, delivery, or possession) property damage or weapons charges in the last 10 years.
    • A misdemeanor involving criminal trespass, theft, dishonesty, and prostitution in past 5 years shall be grounds for denial of the rental application.
    • Pending charges or outstanding warrants for any of the above will result in a suspension of the application process until the charges are resolved.

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    To fill out an online application, please: Click Here